Monday, September 27, 2010

A Sneaky Little Baby @ 16weeks!

Ok I'm at 16 weeks and we're going back to the doctor on Thursday! We aren't going to find out what the sex is yet but we'll be scheduling for that appointment so we should get to know soon!
Something I was kind of excited about is that last night while I was in bed I could feel when I touched my stomach where the baby was! I haven't felt it move or anything like that but I could actually tell where it was and that it was something more than flab! (Of course there is some of that too though.) It was pretty amazing to me and I kept trying to make Zach feel it. He wasn't quite as into it as I was but the fact that he could tell where the bulge was was so exciting to me! So Baby was hanging out a little to the right and a little bit later when I tried to feel it again, it had moved over and I hadn't even noticed! That sneaky little baby!! I was so bummed because I've been trying so hard to concentrate on feeling something moving but I still haven't. I know I probably still have a couple of weeks but I'm so ready for it! I'll keep updating, but I can't promise how frequently it'll be! Oh and maybe I can post a couple of pictures soon!